Call Us:
1300 273 435


With 20 years of trusted expertise, we have expanded our service offering to better support autistic children and families during the early years of development.

Our services include:

Supported Childcare:

A supported learning space for children with autism or Global Developmental delay. No NDIS funding required. Available for children from 2 to 6 years old.

Early Intervention (Part-time & Full-time enrolments available):

Safe, respectful and neuro-affirming therapy supports, combined with specialist education for children under 6 years old.

Therapy services:

Individual therapy services for children with an autism diagnosis. Expressions of interest to the public are now open. Can be funded privately or through NDIS-funded plans. Available for children under 9 years old.

Questions to ask

Parent/Carer Guide to Selecting an Early Intervention Program for Children with Autism

For more information about how AEIOU fulfils the above criteria please call AEIOU’s Parent Assistance Line on 1300 273 435.

Growing together, every step of the way

Discover how AEIOU can support your family.

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