AEIOU proudly facilitates Australia's preeminent data repository on autistic children aged 6 and under, in a major research milestone. This is an achievement for both our organisation and the broader autistic research field.
Our extensive data set comprises longitudinal information from over 900 preschoolers and their families, meaning we are uniquely positioned understand the strengths, needs and challenges of young autistic children and measure the efficacy of early intervention programs.
For example, 75% of children at AEIOU made progress at higher rates than that of their neurotypical peers, demonstrating the benefit of early intervention in enabling autistic children to bridge developmental gaps.
This extensive database is the result of AEIOU’s long-term commitment to service efficacy and accountability, and a strong research focus. Reflective of this commitment, AEIOU assessed each child upon intake, 12-monthly, and on exit. That equates to nearly 350 standardised assessments in addition to real-time data managed by our centre-based therapists.
This database also supported a recently commissioned independent cost benefit analysis intensive early intervention in a study delivered by Synergy Economics Consulting, matched against real-time NDIS data. The report showed intensive early intervention programs like the one delivered at AEIOU equate to savings of approximately $297,000 per child over the child's lifetime.
This means every dollar invested into autism-specific early intervention results in a societal return of $6.16 to the community, and from that, a direct cost saving of $4.58 to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
What can be even better than that? The analysis also showed significant improvements in quality of life and community participation for both children and families.